Join us today!

We need your help and passion to build our spaceshot rocket, Eureka-3! We have an open admission policy and encourage students from all majors and years to join, regardless of their background and prior experience. We have found that screening people in applications to be very inefficient and unfair, as it is extremely hard to gauge skill and potential. All we seek are passionate space enthusiasts!


Our Onboarding Process

Most of our current team members joined the team with limited to no prior knowledge of rocketry. Our onboarding process is designed to get all new members caught up with the technical knowledge and to help them create connections with the team.

Info Sessions

At the start of each semester, we hold info-sessions to introduce prospective members to the history and general organization of the club. This is a great way to learn about what we do and to meet our team for the first time. We generally hold two info-sessions at the start of each semester.

Technical Ignition Sessions

Whereas info-sessions focus on club logistics, ignition sessions serve as introductions to the technical side of things. These include a general introduction to rocketry and to the work of subteams, from propulsion and structures to avionics and simulations. 

1-on-1 with a club veteran

This is not meant to be an interview or test, but rather an opportunity for new members to ask questions and to build a connection with a veteran member. We usually recommend that you have a 1-on-1 with a member of the subteam you are interested in, but you can technically take on as many 1-on-1s as you want! 

Build Rockets!

We do not have any kind of new member project or assignment! We believe new members should be able to directly contribute to the work of the team. Attend meetings, come to our weekly worksessions, and get started with tasks that will help Berkeley reach for the stars. 



When can I join the team?

Immediately! Most of our members join at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters, but we gladly accept new recruits any day, even if school isn’t in session. However, we do recommend joining during formal recruitment seasons, as you will be able to benefit from our info-sessions and ignition sessions. 

Do I have to be an engineering major to join?

No. Although the team is comprised of many engineers, we value our non-engineering members as well. We believe the willingness to commit and learn from others are some of the most important skills in an effective team member, regardless of the member’s major. Moreover, many of our operations are non-technical: corporate relations, sponsorships, publicity, finances, etc.

What are the different subteams?

Our main subteams are:

  • Aerostructures: Designs internal and external fixtures to protect and support all flight hardware inside the airframe.

  • Avionics: Designs the software, firmware, and hardware used to communicate telemetry data and commands among the sensors, actuators, and operators at the ground-station.

  • Business: Develops branding, manages community and sponsor engagement, and establishes business strategies for long-term financial stability.

  • Propulsion: Designs the engine and propellant feed system. 

  • Simulations: Runs simulations and creates models to predict and quantify the performance of our system, and analyzes test data. 

What subteam should I join?

Something our team takes a lot of pride in is our fluid workflow. Our members are not assigned to one subteam and can work on any task, regardless of their prior experience. In general, members tend to specialize in the work of one subteam, but always take the time to explore the work of other subteams. As such, our members can gain a wider variety of skills from PCB design to traditional machining, design of propulsion systems to composite layups, and engineering communication to marketing strategies.