Diversity Program

Open admission policy

SEB is one of the few student engineering organizations in UC Berkeley that maintains an open admission policy. This means we do NOT screen students by resumes, majors, or specific engineering-related experiences. SEB firmly believes that these elements are not as important to becoming a contributing member of the team as are pure commitment, and a willingness to learn new skills and have fun! The team’s pattern of mentoring newcomers and turning them into team veterans helps to keep the organization constantly growing, and develops valuable friendships. As such, we refrain from creating barriers of entry for any prospective team member. 


Team diversity

Since it takes more than just engineers to build rockets, we recruit students from all backgrounds and majors with an open, non-competitive admissions policy. Our team consists of engineers, chemists, computer scientists, biologists, astrophysicists, and more.


Underrepresented Genders in SEB

Working in a male dominated field can be intimidating and challenging, in particular for younger female members. The Women in SEB platform helps create a tighter community between female members, with multiple informal socials across the year, often involving alumni members. Current members and alumni also share resources for professional and personal development. If you are a woman interested in joining SEB, reaching out to veteran members to join our server is a great way to learn more about the club and to start building lasting friendships with other members!


Outreach Efforts

We understand and acknowledge the barriers present in the aerospace industry. Therefore, we strongly believe it is part of our mission as a collegiate team to inspire and help out the next generation of rocket scientists.

Each semester, we visit local high schools to hold introductory presentations on rocketry. When these high schools also have an aerospace team, we also take the time to meet with their members to discuss more technical details and advise them on their journey. If they wish, we also assist these teams throughout the school year through some informal mentoring. 

To inspire even younger future rocket scientists, we have organized space themed art contests for students from elementary and middle schools. The winners of the latest competition were featured on Eureka-1! 


2022 Space Enterprise at Berkeley Art Contest for K-12 students